I swear I've seen this before?
a huehuehue
I swear I've seen this before?
a huehuehue
Black guy review, coming through.. ;)
I thought it was quite funny. Sound editing was well done and animation was very smooth.
Real talk: Gary & Professor Oak were a pretty accurate representation of the ideological gaps you see between generations nowadays. The jokes were a satire of stereotypes... of both races.
I won't give away any 'spoilers' to first time viewers... but the Pokemons in the Flashback vid had me and my sister dyin. That's two black endorsements, now. ;)
Thanks a lot I appreciate it!
Dude, the style was all over the place. Some graphics were outlined, some not... gradient abuse up the wazoo. But I kinda liked that about it.
There was a lot of really good animating with the characters. Lip syncs were very well done.
And it was pretty fkkn funny... both the dialogue and sight gags.
Honestly, it deserved a daily trophy. Keep working hard like you did with this... and I'm sure you'll get top 5 next time.
I totally agree with what you said about the style and gradients. I realized about two scenes from the end if the cake was drawn with a black out line, and coloured with solid colours.
But, as for the rest of the review...
Thanks so much man! I really appreciate it! Everything you said was extremely kind and encouraging, and what you said about it deserving a daily trophy is just such a great thing to say, I've never got one before, but just you saying that feels just as good as getting one! And this is coming from a newgrounds clock! You're essentially one of the Gods of my account, so I am very happy!
Poor Mr. Blogs :(
Great animation style. I love that every time I watch one of your submissions it's never a rehash of a previous project.
I don't see any signs of lossy compression... but I'm watching on my craptop right now so the screen is pretty tiny...
And of course you get extra brownie points every time you use my homeboy Adam in your work. ;)
Heya! Thanks! ^^
I try to vary my work project to project, to try and stop myself from getting bored to keep people guessing about what I will do next.
Maybe the compression issues are just on my end. Ill look into it.
Is the story well delivered and even amusing at times? Sure. Was the animation good? Undoubtedly.
But the abundance of racism was at the very least, unsettling.
Sorry it made you uncomfortable. Thanks for the 3 stars though!
I think what I enjoy most about your submissions is that you are constantly experimenting with different styles and techniques. Your voices always crack me up as well. You seem very comfortable in front of the mic... not as easy as ppl think..
Great job, dude.
Hey thanks man!
I love your rave movies!
Thanks for the cameo! I love seeing Pop with purple frosting!
thanks man, i enjoyed making it! :D
also its cool, i add rave-hats to everyone, haha!
thank you, your kind words mean alot!
hey now if there was a toaster strudel clock i think i would kno about it...
Pot tart clock vs toaster strudel clock? sounds like an epic tale.
Clarinet Fulp was majestic
The moral of the story: don't make Flash, you'll get banned.
Clock Crew <3's everyone
Joined on 3/2/10