Total Medals Earned: 397 (From 77 different games.) Total Medal Score: 4,755 Points
Medals Earned: 1/1 (5/5 points)
Unlock this medal to learn its secrets!
Medals Earned: 6/12 (200/500 points)
Crush the Apache Helicopter
Crush the Lear Jet
Crush the Mini-Helictopter
Crush the Sheriff-Helicopter
Crush the Boeing 747
Crush the Airbus Beluga
Crush the B-2 Spirit
Crush the B-52 Fortress
Crush the Concorde
Kill 15 Ducks
Crush 95 Sailing Yachts
Crush the Space Shuttle
Medals Earned: 8/16 (45/90 points)
Thanks for purchasing our new OS!
Monkeh, monkeh.
Don't harass me its just a reference!
Ur PC is slow
You don't have one.
Purchase an item!
He watches...
"There's nobody here."
See your new pet fish!
Medium Ham is only limited to playing 1 video.
Uh oh!
Keep it clean and sweep up those mines!
Think, just have a little time to think about some stuff...
RIP Shrek 9/11/01
Medals Earned: 1/27 (5/175 points)
Portal Gods
What a Barbarian Gut!
The Beefest Tom Fulp Ever
So sad, Dead Brother
Hey I'm Grump!
Big pile of metal
The Fulpness is within you!
Madness boys!
With this crown I decree you the King of the NG Portal.
Dan Paladin is God
Found the Doctor with the fetus head
Found the love of your bandaged life.
Time is messed up man
Cute Lil Warrior BugMan
Dig Em Up
Who let the bones out?!
I'm not a real plumber!
I'm so tireeeeed
Medals Earned: 1/10 (50/225 points)
You seem to be a man of some learning.
You'll be a law someday, at least I hope and pray.
This is a dude who, a few seconds ago, laughed at your score.
Tell me how you know all about Bills, again.
Unlock alternative Bill portraits for every Bill!
You came, you saw, you kicked its ass!
Medals Earned: 1/8 (5/180 points)
Capture 10 Characters
Capture 50 Characters
Achieve a high score of 900
Encounter all Characters
Achieve a high score of 1500
Capture 100 Pokemon
PhD Newgrounds
Medals Earned: 7/46 (35/400 points)
Never Logs Off
Funniest User
Rookie of the Year
Master Creator
Most Improved
Biggest Attention Whore
Drama Queen
You clicked ten trophies! :D
You clicked a trophy! :D
Wrote most of the motivations.
Think of this as a consolation price.
Worst Username Change
Made the flash, wrote stuff, and then some.
Won Best Thread with 'Let's Play the DeviantArt Gamer'.
Worst Moderator
Won Best Photoshop Thread with 'Photoshop Patrick Star'.
Arranged the BBS Awards 2013 and also...
Most Underrated
Best Moderator
I Miss Yew
Biggest Spammer
Most Overrated
Worst Poster
Best Poster
You clicked a hundred trophies! :D
Not bad. Keep trying, you might get perfect!
You clicked a thousandthreehundredthirtyseven trophies! :D
That's a great score!
You did it! Congrats! :D
Medals Earned: 1/5 (5/50 points)
Clicked on a single category
Looked into the Credits and Stats
Viewed one of the best threads
Checked the winner for each category
Medals Earned: 2/7 (10/80 points)
You have gone back to the main menu!
You checked out the credits!
You visited the Newgrounds Supporter page!
Medals Earned: 3/8 (35/110 points)