Fine movie fare! An instant classic!
Fine movie fare! An instant classic!
Thank you pops! Happy new year
that was fantastic
Fentanyl is a plant man. You can't ban a plant.
it's like, from nature and shit.
HMMM. Why 1 star
It was the Christmas poop murderer.
Just like weed
That was fantastic, Inky. Happy Clock Day!
Thanks, Pop! I'm glad you liked it and I hope you had a great Clockday too!
That was glorious.
thank you pop! have a good clockday!
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics consumer price index, prices in 2018 are 92.81% higher than prices in 1990. The dollar experienced an average inflation rate of 2.95% per year during this period.
Huh who knew.
Thank you for inviting me to the meet up. It was a fun time.
its always a pleasure to have you around, buddy! ;)
Shame we never finished this. So epic.
Yeah, that would have been friggin' awesome!
Now that's a name I haven't heard in a long time..
pop tart!!!
I learned the dance and then got Pedro elected.
this dance is one of the many ways the Clock Crew controls the world's governments from the shadows
Clock Crew <3's everyone
Joined on 3/2/10