2 and a half years later this movie holds its own
Even 2 and a half years later, this movie holds true.
Quality animation and sound editing with a funny and clever storyline. The Easter egg made me chuckle as well.
Good show, mate.
2 and a half years later this movie holds its own
Even 2 and a half years later, this movie holds true.
Quality animation and sound editing with a funny and clever storyline. The Easter egg made me chuckle as well.
Good show, mate.
Thanks bud, I had worked quite hard on it and it had kind of slipped under the radar a little bit at the time, it's really nice to see it get some love.
Not one. Not five. But TEN flashes in one? Boomer, you inspire me to be more than I feel like being at a given time before your inspiration or something
your donation to the god-ego bank has been accepted.
i was waiting for something random to happen..
And I wan't disappointed.!! Happy clock day!
I gotta finish those voices... this looks AMAZING
I sent you the lines, now hop to it!
A tragic story...
but a lesson to be learned about excess.
Happy clock day!1
wheres the movie this is just red text no movie stop spamming newgrounds u spammy spammer
I'll give ya my 5. But I won't like it.
Well thankyou sir!
Great job Inky...
Clocks like you.. constantly challenging the status quo and showing the world that we indeed are artists... make this place worth coming to. Thanks for a beautiful animation!
Wow... thank you very much for the kind words, dude! You guys constantly inspire me to work hard on my flash.
Clock Crew <3's everyone
Joined on 3/2/10